

Hello –

Summer is winding down and things are picking up here at 2590 Orovada Street! It’s hard to believe that it’s been less than eight weeks since we started services at our new location. In that short time we have expanded services to six days a week, added three new classes, reduced our waitlist by almost half, and hosted nearly 200 people at our Summer Bash. We have also been hard at work submitting permits, interviewing contractors, and getting ready for our big renovations. In fact, we'll be replacing the roof and painting the exterior of the building this month - so things are really starting to happen! Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to support the project so far. And as a reminder, our Match for Music campaign is in full swing. The Stillwater Foundation is matching every donation for the building up to $100,000. So your impact will be doubled!

As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or if you'd like a tour. And make sure to mark your calendar for our Neighborhood Open House on September 22nd, it will be a wonderful afternoon full of music, community, and fun. Hope to see you there!

Manal Toppozada, Executive Director and Founder

Born To Dance Recap

It was another year of nearly 20 participants from NMTS's dance classes putting on a stellar, full-length dance concert. Performing for a full house, the dancers performed new works as well as a few old favorites. "The dancers work hard all year to learn multiple pieces of choreography," explained dance instructor, Wendy Firestone. "They are passionate about dance and that passion is overflowing during performances. We always aim to bring joy to our audiences, and I think this year they knocked it out of the park!" We want to thank the City of Reno for supporting this performance and bringing the joy of dance to both our dancers and their audience.

Supporter Of The Month - Don Welsh

From your perspective, how has NMTS changed over the years? What impact have you seen it have on our community?

We have been involved for many years with this wonderful organization. It has been a pleasure and an honor to watch it grow in so many ways, From the number of participants, staff and the variety of different therapeutic types.

What impact has NMTS had in your life?

Our lives have been impacted in many positive ways. We have met wonderful people and we love to attend the group's concerts.

As Rebecca’s father, how have you seen her life impacted?

Rebecca has been the biggest benefactor in all of this. She has a sense of purpose along with the development of long life friendships that have turned into family.She truly loves the group, the challenges, the work ethic and her self worth for being a part of such an incredible group!

What do you look forward to as NMTS expands?

I am very excited to see the expansion of the programs so that more people will be able to experience the music therapy opportunity. Really good stuff.

Where do you see NMTS in 10 years?

10 years, boy, the sky's the limit along with a few more donations☺

New Classes!

Exploring Music Kids | Saturdays, 2:30-3:15pm

Exploring Music Kids is a fun opportunity for children 6-9 of all abilities to come together and develop social skills through music. This group utilizes the Music Therapy Social Skills Assessment (MTSSA), based on Parten’s Social Play Hierarchy, to foster healthy social interactions and growth with peers. Come join us for playing instruments, singing songs, and moving to music with new friends!

Exploring Music Junior | Saturdays, 3:30-4:15pm

Exploring Music Kids is a fun opportunity for children 3-5 of all abilities to come together and develop social skills through music. This group utilizes the Music Therapy Social Skills Assessment (MTSSA), based on Parten’s Social Play Hierarchy, to foster healthy social interactions and growth with peers. Come join us for playing instruments, singing songs, and moving to music with new friends!

Upcoming Events

Neighborhood Open House | Thursday, September 22, 3-7pm | Help us say "hi" to our new neighbors. Join us for a fun afternoon of free indoor music activities, check out other community organizations, and enjoy a free snow cone! We will also have our taco truck friends there selling awesome food.

Let us know if you are planning on coming!

If you would like to volunteer at the event, give Wendy a call at the office: 324-5521 or email

August Thank Yous

Thank you to our August donors: Janet Ackles, Lisa Angius, City of Reno, Maria Birdsall, Jody Call, Dea Cantu, Robert Duste, Cheryl Eckert, Debbie & Richard Ganchan, Rick & Elsa Heroux, Dina Husberger, Sandy Jacob, Tom Kulcyzcki & Carolyn Magin, Cynthia Lake, Peter Lenz, Brad Lund, Joe Macaluso & Chris Middleton, Jeanette Martin, Patti Meals, Mary Miller, Lee Moran, Holly Pennington, Annette Perry, Kimberly Philips, Pam Russell, Alia Salem, Becca Shipley, Judith Stewart, Joanne Stockman, Laurel Sweigart, Walt & Darren Tjong, Sarah Toney, Gina Wertz.

Extra thanks to our monthly giving crew: Susan Boskoff, Dodie Bryant, Skyler Dillon, Leslie Doukas, Tiffany Dunseath, John Firestone, Mary Lee Fulkerson, Rachel Gattuso, Mary Jo Gieseke, Karen Golonka, Sharon Hickox, Andy Hughes, Dina Hunsberger, Sandy Jacob, Ana Johnson, Lucille Knight, Deanna Lyons, Patti Meals, Sophie Moeller, Pauline Mooers, Meghan Ochs, Pat Purkey-Entwistle, Lisa Rizzoli, Pam Russell, Alia Salem, Jake Steinman, Judith Stewart, Jennifer Tibben, Sarah Toney, Jonathan Wilson, Sandra Young, Tim Young 

Thank you volunteers: Kendra Bertschy, Jeff Bloyd, Leif Christensen, Julie Deloach, Emilee Duffy, Sally Duffy, Cheryl Eckert, Mark Geeson, Alice Green, Tashina Habibian, Andy Hughes, May Jackson, Chris Keenan, Dane Knudsen, Michael Lahnala, Madison Lucero, Tony Martin, Greg McNie, Sophie Moeller, Jeanine Mooers, Pauline Mooers, Becca Shipley, Cindy Prescott, Pat Ragains, Patti Rodriguez, Jake Steinman, Judith Stewart, Dave Stockman, Jennie Tibben, Josue Valedez, Ken Vogel

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