A photo of Manal addressing a group of donors and supporters


We depend on community support to fund adaptive classes and lessons, music therapy, neurologic music therapy, community workshops, and performances by The Note-Ables. We truly can’t do what we do without our donors!

A photo of Eric and JoJo onstage


Become a monthly donor and make a meaningful difference for hundreds of people in our community! The reward? Good feelings from sharing the love and the creation of a community where all people have access to music and self-expression.

A photo of a pair of participants


We love our volunteers! Without them we would be at a complete loss. There are so many ways to volunteer: join the board, help out in classes, participate in events, and help around the office. If you have a specific idea for how you’d like to help, let us know!




Our endowment and long-term financial stability

Without the incredible support of our donors, Note-Able Music Therapy Services would not be where it is today. We see the lives that are affected – for the better – and we want to ensure that the services offered by NMTS are available for as long as there is a need in our community.

Now is the time to look to the future

The mission of Note-Able Music Therapy Services is to create lasting change in the lives of people of all abilities through music. We are very excited to have established an endowment through the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada to guarantee that inclusive music programs and music therapy services will be available in our community for many years to come. There are many ways to contribute to the Note-Able Music Therapy Services endowment – monthly giving, donations in honor or memory of a loved one, stocks, insurance gifts, and of course legacy gifts and bequests.

To make a donation to the NMTS endowment, call the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada at 775-333-5499 or click the button below to donate online. If you are interested in making a donation through your Community Foundation of Northern Nevada’s Donor Advised Fund, call 775-333-5499 or go to


Founding Circle

  • The Board of Directors of Note-Able Music Therapy Services: Ellie Van Winkle, President

  • The Advisory Board of Note-Able Music Therapy Services

  • The Eckert Family

  • Joe Macaluso

  • Tony Macaluso – In memory of Joe, Mary and Fina Macaluso

  • Judge Nancy Oesterle

  • Pythian Sisters of Nevada: Jeanille Hyde, Grand Chief

  • Ms. Heidemarie Rochlin

  • Dr. & Mrs. Tousson Toppozada

  • Earl and Peggy Whitney

  • The Wilson Family


Make a Lasting Impact

When The Note-Ables was started as a class in 1999, it was the first organized opportunity in northern Nevada for people with disabilities to participate in music. All these years later, we are still the only organization in our community providing comprehensive music programs and music therapy services.

With a legacy gift to Note-Able Music Therapy Services, you are ensuring your long-term impact on enriching the lives of those who would otherwise not have access to musical avenues for expression.

We would be honored to talk with you about your options for planned giving. Please contact us at to start this important conversation, or call our office at 775-324-5521.


Legacy Giving Options

  • When people choose to donate to Note-Able Music Therapy Services through their estates, they are often able to make a bigger impact than ever thought possible.

    If you have arranged or are considering a planned gift through your estate, please let us know. We would be honored to have the opportunity to thank you while respecting your confidentiality and making sure we can fulfill your wishes.

  • Include a bequest provision to “Note-Able Music Therapy Services” in your will or revocable trust.

    How It Works

    You can provide a future gift to Note-Able Music Therapy Services by including a bequest provision in your will or revocable trust. Note-Able Music Therapy Services will receive your gift upon your death based on the specifications included in the provision.

    Several types of bequests are possible:

    Specific: A certain dollar amount or a particular asset. “The sum of $20,000” or “100 shares of ABC stock.”

    Residual: Once other assets have been distributed. “Fifty percent of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate.”

    Contingent: Only under certain conditions. “In the event my spouse does not survive me.”


    The assets remain in your control during your lifetime.

    You can modify the bequest if your circumstances change.

    The value of your bequest should be fully deductible for estate tax purposes.

  • Name “Note-Able Music Therapy Services” as the beneficiary of your retirement plan.

    How It Works

    You can name Note-Able Music Therapy Services as the beneficiary of the remainder of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement account. The plan’s balance will be available for Note-Able Music Therapy Services’ use when the assets held in the account are transferred.


    You should pay no income or estate tax on the property remaining in your retirement account when it passes to Note-Able Music Therapy Services.

    You may continue to take withdrawals from the account during your lifetime.

  • Fund a gift to “Note-Able Music Therapy Services” using a policy insuring your life.

    How It Works

    You can make a future gift to Note-Able Music Therapy Services by naming “Note-Able Music Therapy Services” as the owner and beneficiary of a policy insuring your life. To make a gift of life insurance, you make annual gifts in the amount of Note-Able Music Therapy Services’ premium payments. Once the policy matures, the proceeds are paid to Note-Able Music Therapy Services and used to help fund our programs.


    Allows you to make a substantial gift, while the cost to you—your premiums—is relatively small.

    The gifts offsetting Note-Able Music Therapy Services’ premium payment should be fully deductible for gift tax purposes. You should receive an income tax deduction for the full value of such gifts—subject to certain limitations based on yearly income.

  • Make a major gift to Note-Able Music Therapy Services by naming “Note-Able Music Therapy Services” as the beneficiary of a trust.

    How It Works

    By setting up a trust and naming Note-Able Music Therapy Services as the beneficiary, you make a lasting gift toNote-Able Music Therapy Services while also creating benefits for you and/or your heirs.

    There are several kinds of specialized trusts for which Note-Able Music Therapy Services can be named as the beneficiary, including Charitable Remainder Unitrusts, Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts, and Charitable Lead Trusts. Note-Able Music Therapy Services may also be named as an alternative beneficiary of a trust primarily for the benefit of family members or other individuals, to receive the trust property only in the event that the primary beneficiaries are no longer living.

    For more information about making a gift to Note-Able Music Therapy Services through a trust, including the benefits of different types of trusts, please work with your own legal counsel and/or accountant and contact us to arrange the terms of the gift.

    Please note that we are unable to serve as a trustee.

*Please note: Note-Able Music Therapy Services does not provide tax, accounting, investment, or legal advice to any donors or prospective donors. This information is designed to provide only a general understanding of the options and potential benefits to donors. Donors must consult their own independent advisor as to any tax, accounting, investment, or legal matters referred to here. While we don’t provide advice, we’re happy to work with you and your advisor(s) as you plan a legacy gift that will best suit your charitable intentions and meet your financial, tax, and estate planning goals.