May is national Mental Health Awareness and Older Americans month - two things that are near and dear to my heart, and two things that are often intertwined. Did you know that more than 20% of adults over 60 are living with a mental or neurological disorder? As we age, we are at higher risk for experiencing anxiety and depression due to things such as loss of loved ones, limited mobility, and decreased independence. Mental health issues in seniors are often overlooked and/or minimized by professionals. Older adults also may not seek help due to the stigma around these conditions. Why does this matter? Well, the world is getting older. In fact, by 2050 it is estimated that 22% of the world’s population will be seniors - that will be more than 2 billion of us! We need to talk about mental health issues in people of all ages, and we need to include older adults in those conversations. The theme of this year’s Older Americans month is Aging Unbound, which encourages flexible thinking about aging, and “how we all benefit when older adults remain engaged, independent, and included.” I hope that you take a few minutes to learn how you too can support awareness of mental health and aging - issues that will affect all of us in some way throughout our lives.
Manal Toppozada, Founder and Executive Director
Music Therapy Day at the Legislature
NMTS visited our state capital for Music Therapy Day at the legislature! We were introduced during the legislative floor session and met with several lawmakers to discuss the importance of music therapy in Nevada. We hope with enough work, music therapy will be covered by Medicaid in the near future. Can you imagine how many more people would benefit from music therapy without a financial barrier?
You can read more here.
Renovations Update
Cue Pink Floyd’s Another Brick In The Wall because we now have walls!
Our renovations are on track so that the east side portion will be completed end of July!
There is still time to be part of the legacy! If you are interested in making a donation to help us create this beautiful center for music and health, you can find out more and make a donation here.
Thank You to Our Donors
If only we could share all the joy your donations and contributions make to our participants and clients! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you! Here is a small clip of how your gifts, brighten our participants’ lives.
You can always donate here or check out our Amazon wishlist.
New Class, Exploring Music Junior, Starts June 3rd!
We are excited to be offering our Exploring Music Junior class beginning Saturday, June 3rd from 10:30-11:15 am. Kiddos will play instruments, sing songs, and move to music all while having fun with friends! This class is open to Ages 3-6 of all abilities and is $50/month.
Help Us Celebrate Our 20th Anniversary Year!
Whether you’ve been with us since 2003 or just heard of us, we’d love to hear about your unique connection to NMTS.
Please fill out our 20th Anniversary Questionnaire and help us celebrate 20 years of addressing physical, social, and mental health needs in our community!
Upcoming Events
Spring Recital | Saturday, May 6th | 2590 Orovada St, Reno, NV
Our participants are excited to showcase their talents! Join us at our new home and show your support for our amazing rockstars! Please make sure to check with your music therapist or instructor to confirm your recital time.
Reno Dance Festival | Thursday, May 11th | The Theatre, 505 Keystone Avenue, Reno, NV
Tickets are running out fast! A full night showcasing an eclectic mix of 25 local choreographers and featuring over 40 beautiful performers. Everything will take place at We The Theater (505 Keystone Avenue) followed by an after-party with groovy local DJs right down the street at Shanty Dolan’s. Come boogie with us! Learn more and purchase tickets at
High Notes Society | Friday, May 19th | 925 Riverside Drive, Reno, NV 89503
Help us celebrate NMTS's 20th anniversary at our annual High Notes Society fundraiser. This year, we are switching things up and having a lunchtime event. We hope that you can take a little time out of your day to hear about how your support has made an incredible impact over the past 20 years. If you’d like to join us, please email
April Thank Yous
Thank you to our April donors: The Leonette Foundation, Cheryl Eckert, Peggy Hall, Beverly Hennen, Kathy Imboden, Sandy Jacob, Lynda Mahorter, Francine Mannix, Jeanette Martin, Mary Miller, Daniel O'Bryan, Kimberly Philips, REMSA Health, Bill Roach, Brian Schumm, Meri Shadley, Ann Silver, Manal Toppozada, Bill Trach, and Nancy Young
Extra thanks to our monthly giving crew: Barb Anderson, Susan Boskoff, Dodie Bryant, Skyler Dillon, Leslie Doukas, Tiffany Dunseath, Wendy & John Firestone, Mary Lee Fulkerson, Rachel Gattuso, Mary Jo Gieseke, Karen Golonka, Andy Hughes, Dina Hunsberger, Sandy Jacob, Ana Johnson, Nadia Khan, Brad Lund, Deanna Lyons, Patti Meals, Sophie Moeller, Pauline Mooers, Meghan Ochs, Lisa Rizzoli, Pam Russell, Judith Stewart, Jennifer Tibben & Sharon Hickox, Ken & Doreen Vogel, Jonathan Wilson, Sandra Young, Tim Young
Thank you volunteers: Kendra Bertschy, Jeff Bloyd, Brooke Brumfield/Fiore Partners, Mary Bryant, Bev Carpenter, Leif Christensen, Emmerson Coberg, Mark Geeson, Mike Hix, KK Kelderman, Aaron Kirkpatrick, Michael Lahnala, Tony Martin, Greg McNie, LuAnn Miller, Jeanine Mooers, Jordan Nakao, Jeanie Sartoni, Becca Shipley, Judith Stewart, Dave Stockman, and Charlie Uhlmeyer