March is national music therapy awareness month, and March 1st is World Music Therapy Day. We don’t only provide music therapy services at NMTS (our adaptive music and dance programs and The Note-Ables are a huge part of what we do), but I thought this would be a good opportunity to share some information about music therapy!
Music therapy is an evidence-based health care profession. Music therapists work in communities, hospitals, psychiatric facilities, addiction/rehabilitation centers, correctional facilities, school settings, rehab centers, disability agencies, geriatric facilities, hospices, and more.
The understanding of music as a healing influence is at least as old as Aristotle and Plato and in some cultures, much older. Music therapy in the US formally began after World War I when community musicians went to veteran's hospitals to play for the thousands of veterans with physical and emotional trauma. The patients' responses to music led doctors and nurses to request more musicians at the hospitals. It was soon clear that the hospital musicians needed training before entering the facilities, so the demand grew for a college curriculum.
The first music therapy college training programs were created in the 1940s and the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) was formed in 1983 to assure the competency of credentialed music therapists.
There are more than 80 universities in the US offering nationally approved music therapy programs, and there are thousands of board-certified music therapists practicing all over the country, including right here in Nevada :). It is a rewarding and challenging field, and music therapists are in high demand everywhere.
If you know someone who might be interested in going into the field, or if you are just interested in finding out more, check out the website of the American Music Therapy Association.
Manal Toppozada, Founder and Executive Director
Major Interior Renovations Have Begun!
Cue the song Underneath It All by No Doubt because we really are getting underneath it all! The east side of our building is undergoing renovations and demolition crews have been blasting music as they strip down the walls, ceiling, and floors!
There is still time to support this project! If you are interested in making a donation to help us create this beautiful center for music and health, you can find out more and make a donation here.
Important reminders if you are coming to visit us:
Front and back doors will be closed for demolition
Enter through the courtyard on the SOUTH SIDE of the building
RTC Access buses can pull up to the accessible curb in the driveway on the south (back) side of the building
There will be clear markers which way to go when you enter the driveway
Parking stays the same. Please continue to park on the west side of the building
We appreciate your patience as we work together to create an amazing space in our community! Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
The Writing’s On The Walls!
Before demolition started we asked participants, staff, donors, and volunteers to write something special on the walls, as a tribute and blessing to our new space.
It was so heartwarming to see the walls covered with so many blessings, affirmations, positive intentions, and love for music!
We are grateful to have a home and a beautiful, supportive community to share it with. As one special Braille message from Jeanine & Pauline Mooers said, we can’t wait to “make more wonderful music, memories and miracles.”
The Local Vocals Sing with Seniors at Sierra Manor
There were lots of smiling faces and singing voices when the Local Vocals brought their cheer and music to seniors living at Sierra Manor. Many sang and clapped along to the music and even shared memories that the music helped reignite. The Local Vocals is NMTS’ intergenerational choir that is open to people of all ages and abilities. The choir practices together once a week and has the opportunity to perform around the community.
If you are interested in joining Local Vocals or finding out more, please email us:
It’s Our 20th Anniversary Year! We’d like to hear from you!
Whether you’ve been with us since 2003 or just heard of us, we’d love to hear about your unique connection to NMTS.
Please fill out our 20th Anniversary Questionnaire and help us celebrate 20 years of addressing physical, social, and mental health needs in our community!
Upcoming Events
UCP - A Concert In the Parking Lot | Saturday, March 18th 11:00am-2:00pm | 2350 Oddie Blvd, Sparks, NV 89431
Join the community and enjoy a concert in the UCP’s Parking Lot. The Note-Ables will be playing! There will also be other bands, food, raffle items, UCP’s $7 bag sale, and more. The event will bring the community together to really spread the word about United Cerebral Palsy of Nevada in the Northern Nevada community.
February Thank Yous
Thank you to our February donors: Financial Advisor Jordan Nakao from Northwestern Mutual, Kendra Bertschy, Maria Birdsall, Delta Kappa Gamma XI Chapter, Cheryl Eckert, Robert Egashira, Wendy and John Firestone, Joyce Fisher, Tom Gordon, Joy Heuer, Michael and Stephanie Hix, Myhanh Hoskin, Brad Lund, Patti Meals, Valarie Rider, Heirloom Gardens, Lloyd Rogers, Ann Silver, Laurel Sweigart, Bert and Chris Wells
Extra thanks to our monthly giving crew: Barb Anderson, Dodie Bryant, Skyler Dillon, Leslie Doukas, Tiffany Dunseath, Rachel Gattuso, Mary Jo Gieseke, Karen Golonka, Andy Hughes, Dina Hunsberger, Sandy Jacob, Ana Johnson, Nadia Khan, Lucille Knight, Michael Lahnala, Deanna Lyons, Patti Meals, Pauline Mooers, Meghan Ochs, Lisa Rizzoli, Pam Russell, Jake Steinman, Judith Stewart, Jennifer Tibben & Sharon Hickox, Jonathan Wilson, Sandra Young, and Tim Young
Thank you volunteers: Kendra Bertschy, Jeff Bloyd, Leif Christensen, Emmerson Coberg, Cheryl Eckert, Mark Geeson, Mike Hix, Andy Hughes, Chris Keenan, Aaron Kirkpatrick, Michael Lahnala, Tony Martin, Laura Matushek, Greg McNie, Patti Meals, Jeanine Mooers, Miguel Morales, Jordan Nakao, Cindy Prescott, Pat Ragains, Jordan Rios, Patti Rodriguez, Becca Shipley, Judith Stewart, Dave Stockman, Ken Vogel, and Tembra Wright-Hay