June is Pride Month, which honors the lives and contributions of the LGBTQAI+ community. If you are not sure exactly what Pride Month is about, check out the Library of Congress page on the history of Pride. At NMTS, we don’t just provide services, we strive to amplify the voices of our participants - many of whom have spent their lives feeling ignored or even silenced. We are not perfect, but we want to do everything we can to make all people feel welcome and honored. When we talk about inclusion we’re not just talking about disability. We are talking about including and celebrating all of the ‘wonderful complexities of people.’ One of the queer voices we are amplifying this month is Charlie (see their lyrics below). The song perfectly illustrates their struggle with gender dysphoria. And the process of writing the song has helped Charlie discover, express, and work through their complicated emotions. Music therapy is providing Charlie with the space and safety to be authentic and to be heard. We are so honored to be able to provide that for Charlie and for all of our participants. Happy Pride Month!
Manal Toppozada, Founder and Executive Director
Charlie’s Song - Today (I Am)
Today I'm a boy. No wait! I'm a girl...Wait what?
How come I can't be just one gender?
I’m so dysphoric...But then - boom!
I'm perfectly fine. In my own body
I can't ever make up my mind
Of what I feel I want to be...
...to be a comfortable me.
I hate my body. But I love it the next
When I'm a boy. I'm constantly misgendered
But when I'm a girl. I feel like I'm unstoppable!
But of course. It doesn't last forever
I'm suddenly uncomfortable
In my very pretty dress or skirt
may be okay when l'm a girl
ut the next minute. I'm a very sad and dysphoric boy
I can't ever make up my mind
Of what I feel I want to be...
…to be a comfortable me.
There's truly no way to win
I'll always lose.
Spring Recital Recap
Our participants were so excited to showcase their talents at this year's recital! They are truly amazing rock stars! For students, participating in recitals is an opportunity to improve their self-esteem, develop their skills and performance abilities, and acquire a sense of achievement. If you know someone who would benefit from music, please have them visit our website: www.nmtsreno.org/services
NMTS Spring Recital
Renovations Update
Cue Rolling Stone’s Paint It Black because we’re now in the process of painting our walls! No not black ;)
Our renovations are on track so that the east side portion will be completed end of July!
There is still time to be part of the legacy! If you are interested in making a donation to help us create this beautiful center for music and health, you can find out more and make a donation here.
Video of NMTS renovations.
High Notes Society
Thank you again for joining us, and an extra special THANK YOU to all who donated, became monthly Music Maker donors and to those who joined the High Notes Society! Thanks to ALL of you, there will be more singing, dancing, music making, performing and friendship in the year ahead.
We have put together the "Feel Good” song list from all the songs submitted. Please share this with guests, friends or family who might enjoy and eclectic mix of amazing songs to lift your spirits.
As you listen, keep in mind that music is a very individualized experience. In fact the first song in the list is Kurdish, and we encourage you to give it a listen. If at any point you come to a song that you don’t really enjoy, just forward to the next song. And who knows, you might just find a new favorite!
Thank you, Judith!
Over the 20 years at NMTS, we've had the privilege of working with many passionate individuals who have dedicated their time to making a difference in our community. Judith has been with us for the past five years, and she has touched the lives of dozens of people in ways that words cannot express. Judith’s unwavering support, dedication, and kindness have been a source of inspiration for all of us. We are truly grateful for her selflessness, sense of humor, and generosity. Thank you, Judith, from the bottom of our hearts, for being an essential part of our team and giving your time and talents so generously! You have helped us create a brighter future for our participants, and we are honored to have you as our volunteer. We wish you the best of luck in your new adventures, and we hope you remember that you will always have a home with us at NMTS.
Help Us Celebrate Our 20th Anniversary Year!
Whether you’ve been with us since 2003 or just heard of us, we’d love to hear about your unique connection to NMTS.
Please fill out our 20th Anniversary Questionnaire and help us celebrate 20 years of addressing physical, social, and mental health needs in our community!
Upcoming Events
Come Fish With Rebecca | Thursday, June 8, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. | Sparks Marina
The Sparks Area Rotary Clubs would like to invite all adaptive youth to join us the Sparks Marina on Thursday, June 8th for a fun day of fishing with our friend Rebecca . All necessary fish ing gear will be provided free of charge! Fishing coaches will be available to help you catch a fish. Questions? Call Jennifer @ 775-762-8039
Artown at the Airport | Thursday, July 6th | Reno-Tahoe International Airport
Get out of the heat with a free performance by The Note-Ables at the Reno Tahoe International Airport! This performance is part of the Artown at the Airport Series.
Motown in Midtown | Thursday, July 6th | South Virginia Plaza in Midtown | 1525 S. Virginia St.
This all-age event is free, and open to the community. Event goers can enjoy specials from local businesses, art, and live music. The event will feature Hooked On Henna, City Artist Ruby Barrientos, a Future Kind Community Resource Garden, The Note-Ables and more.
For more info visit here
Artown 20th Anniversary Celebration | Friday, July 28th | 2590 Orovada St, Reno, NV 89512 Help us celebrate NMTS's 20th anniversary at our new home! More details TBA!
May Thank Yous
Thank you to our NEW High Notes Society members: David and Lois Bianchi, Cecilia Lee, Peter Lenz, and Laurie Martin
Thank you to our May donors: YeVonne Allen, Sandy Backus, Sarah Barr, Cynthia Barrett, Eric Boudreau, Lorraine Bruce, Jeff Carlton, Center for Spiritual Living Reno, Jennifer Crudo, Kristen Daters, Theresa Desautels, Debra DeVay, Skyler Dillon, John Drakulich, Sally Duffy, Judith Ethridge, Scott Faulkner, Mary Fechner, Mary Lee Fulkerson, Bob Fulkerson, Bernadette Garcia, Rachel Gattuso, Ariella Gattuso, Amy Ginder, Eve Hall, Marsha Harris, Jill Hemenway, Scott Hernandez, Jonathan Hickox-Young, Pam Hill, Meadows Bank, Andy Hughes, Debra Kamka, Chris Keenan, Kay Kephart, Kate Kirkpatrick, David Knaub, K7 Construction Inc, Brad Lund and Trudy Miller, Trevor Macaluso, Pam Macy, Tony Manfredi, Francine Mannix, Pauline Mooers, Jeanine Mooers, Sallie Moore, Miguel Morales, Maria Moreno, Melissa Olsen, Anne Pinkerton, Pat Purkey-Entwistle, Christian Raymer, Chris Stewart, Stillwater Foundation, Sandy Tackett, Margo Teague, Manal Toppozada, Ken & Doreen Vogel, Cheryl Widman, and Nancy Young
Extra thanks to our monthly giving crew: Barb Anderson, Kendra Bertschy, Dodie Bryant, Michelle Burke, Jody Call, Skyler Dillon, Leslie Doukas, Tiffany Dunseath, Wendy & John Firestone, Mary Lee Fulkerson, Heather Gage, Rachel Gattuso, Mary Jo Gieseke, Karen Golonka, Beverly Hennen, Sharon Hickox, Jonathan Hickox-Young, Andy Hughes, Dina Hunsberger, Sandy Jacob, Ana Johnson, Nadia Khan, Lucille Knight, Michael Lahnala, Deanna Lyons, Sophie Moeller, Pauline Mooers, Meghan Ochs, Rikki Powers, Lisa Rizzoli, Jake Steinman, Judith Stewart, Jennifer Tibben, Ken & Doreen Vogel, Gina Wertz, Jonathan Wilson, Sandra Young, and Tim Young
Thank you volunteers: Marci, Jazmine, Eve, Barb Anderson, Kendra Bertschy, Jeff Bloyd, Mark Geeson, Andy Hughes, Aaron Kirkpatrick, Michael Lahnala, Tony Martin, Greg McNie, Sophie Moeller, Jeanine Mooers, Miguel Morales, Maria Moreno, Jordan Rios, Becca Shipley, Jake Steinman, Judith Stewart, and Dave Stockman